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的 Most Demanded 快 Genre in 2024: 新闻


2024年是最终选举年. A total of 91 countries—including the U.S.,美国.K., India, and 27 European Union nations—will hold elections. In this context, it’s no surprise to witness platforms and news outlets finessing their 快速通道策略. 的 BBC新闻快速频道开播 在这方面是完美的时机吗. BBC 新闻 is now available as a 快 channel on platforms like 冥王星的电视, 三星电视Plus, Xumo玩, VIZIO, 和更多的.

Why Should Streaming Platforms Get Into 新闻?

的 reasoning is simple: As streaming platforms position themselves as replacements for cable and broadcast TV, they must provide what the latter did 和更多的.

Why Should 新闻 Organizations Get Into 快?

新闻 creates unmissable cultural and educational moments. 的 sector faces several headwinds though, 比如新闻回避, 不信任, 或者仅仅是利息的减少, 证据是 Reuters Institute’s 2023 Digital 新闻 Report.



新闻 organizations therefore cannot rely on their legacy recipe to deliver the news to today’s audiences. 的y must aim for ubiquity while adopting the codes of each distribution channel they address. Just as news outlets started embracing new platforms like TikTok (check out 粗糙的的账户)或Instagram(见 BBC新闻的Instagram账号, with its more than 27 million followers), they should embrace 快 to meet their audiences where they spend time.

What Does the 快 新闻 Landscape Look Like?

让我们从 快之家:美国.S. 2024年2月,美国宣布.S. 有1,951 live 快 channels across 19 platforms (ABC, 连续波通道, 火电视, 免费的vee, 谷歌电视, LG渠道, 当地现在, 孔雀, 丛, 冥王星的电视, Redbox, Roku通道, 三星电视Plus, 吊索免费的stream, Tubi, VIDAA, 波动率指数, VIZIO Watch免费的 +, 和Xumo玩), 根据 CRG Global的最新报告,与NAB Amplify合作.

的 news genre represented 17% of the overall 快 channel proposition, with 325 channels (a 23% increase year over year) from local, 国家, 以及国际渠道. 这可能看起来很多, but the numbers add up quickly with local news channels, 这在美国正在蓬勃发展.S. (325个频道中的231个).

Which 新闻 Organizations Are Active in 快?

ABC 新闻 may have been the first major U.S. 通过网络进入快业务. It launched ABC 新闻 Live in 2018 when Roku introduced its bouquet of 快 news channels, 还有切达新闻和人物电视台. 从那时起, the genre has seen the entry of a dozen Tier 1 brands, 包括哥伦比亚广播公司, 美国有线电视新闻网, 狐狸, 和其他人.

tier 1 news brands with us fast channels

Tier 1 news brands with US 快 channels


We have four main categories of 快 news channels live today in Europe:

  • Broadcasters—Euronews, RTVE, France 24, Africanews, BFMTV
  • 纯粹的玩家-股票新闻,路透社
  • 新闻papers—Le Figaro, El País, 的 Guardian
  • Inter国家 outlets—美国有线电视新闻网, Bloomberg, 美国全国广播公司 新闻 NOW




You may have heard that performance data is scarce for 快. Amagi的全球快报告 offers only a partial view on channel performance, since the data collected concerns only 快 channels that use Amagi’s technology, 比如金融科技电视, AccuWeather, 美国全国广播公司, 和副媒体. But it has the merit of giving us an indication of how the genre performs in 快. 根据报告, news commanded 37% of the overall streaming hours and 35% of the ad impressions in Q4 2023.


新闻 accounts for a substantial share of streaming hours and ad impressions on Amagi-based 快 platforms.


Whether you go into 快 or not, it’s important to recognize that times are changing. Audiences are shifting from pay TV to CTV, from legacy media to digital. 的 best strategy is a multifaceted one in which you show up with your brand, 你的编辑, 你的内容无处不在
你的听众在闲逛. 的re won’t be a premium spot in 快 (and beyond) for everyone.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

New Tubi Streaming Report Reveals Gen Z & 千禧一代对SVOD的偏好 & 快

Tubi, 狐狸 Corporation's ad-supported streaming service, released findings from 的 Stream 2024: Streaming Insights for Marketers. 在今年的报告中, Tubi, who partnered with 的 Harris Poll to conduct research, provided a deep dive into the behaviors and preferences of today's streamers to help inform marketing strategies. 流媒体's Tyler Nesler spoke with Tubi's Cynthia Clevenger, B2B营销高级副总裁, about many of the report's key findings and what they reveal

欢迎来到快 Times

2023 got everyone on the same page: 快 should be part of the me­dia mix whether you are a content provider, 一个电视台, 或者一个分销平台.

How 快 Strategy Is Changing as the Ecosystem Matures

随着我们顺利进入快 2时代.0, will the strategies that brought 快 success in its early days still pay off and ensure continued growth? Is it time for 快 pioneers to re-innovate? And what can the success of primetime YouTube channels teach 快 brands about evolving their strategic roadmap in a mature, 少了狂野西部式的快生态系统? 来自Tastemade的Evan Bregman, ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, Gusto TV的克里斯·奈特报道, and TMB's Cameron Saless discuss in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.

Why Broadcast 新闻 Dragged its Feet on Streaming

Why were news broadcasters so slow to adapt to streaming, leaving it to play catch-up in recent years? 派拉蒙的科里·史密斯, 波士顿25新闻,本·拉特纳报道, 直箭新闻的罗伯·狄龙报道, and Manatt's Eric Bergner discuss in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.