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所有关于低延迟的宣传, 流媒体 contributing editor Tim Siglin took a look at the claims Wowza 围绕着它新的大规模实时流媒体服务.

Siglin, a veteran consultant and reviewer with more than three decades of testing interactive video, streaming, 以及视频会议硬件和软件, now provides test validation as part of his role as founding executive director at the not-for-profit 帮助我流研究基金会. Wowza approached Help Me Stream about reviewing its Wowza Streaming Cloud addition, 被称为大规模实时流媒体, 一般上市前几周. [Disclosure: 流媒体 editor and VP Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen is volunteer chairman of 帮助我流研究基金会.]

他详细审查的结果, 包括高分和有待解决的问题, 可以在上面找到吗 Wowza blog. Wowza回顾了Siglin的研究结果, the testing was done at Help Me Stream's testing facility in Kingsport, Tennessee and the company did not influence the testing environment.

Wowza's contention is that there are numerous users looking to achieve real-time deliver to audiences above the typical Zoom-based dozen or even a hundred viewers.

在Wowza最近的一项调查中, 57% of respondents indicated that they desired sub-one-second latency for their live streaming workflows,Wowza的乔恩·邓肯在网站上写道 来自Wowza的官方GA公告, noting that the survey responses indicated a need for a solution that would scale to more than 300 viewers. "Despite this, most are still experiencing a delay in the 3-45 second range."

"We designed our 大规模实时流 feature to answer these needs, 从而确保全球时间同步的体验,邓肯写道。.

Siglin的测试着眼于同步和延迟, 流媒体关注的两个不同领域是什么.com的读者. Some are interested in full synchronization of live streams across multiple viewers, 即使这意味着短暂的延迟, 而其他人则更关心尽可能低的延迟.

有视频会议的背景, 24年前才进入流媒体领域, Siglin's experience testing ultra low latency (less than 250 milliseconds glass-to-glass) served well in testing Wowza's solution.

他还为StreamingMedia写了一篇文章.网站几年前的标题是延迟了! 那么哪些公司正在创造解决方案呢?这句话引用了Wowza当时的流媒体传播者的话, 克里斯•诺尔顿, on the need to balance between RTMP streams—a mainstay in the streaming industry, 尽管它已经有几十年的历史了, 更具交互性的低延迟协议.

Siglin指出,RTMP已经找到了新的用途, including for open-source video mixing and streaming tools like OBS, a version of which Wowza is also offering for it's 大规模实时流 customers.

"We're not only using RTMP quite a bit longer after its initial required server has been deprecated (think Flash Media Server), 但流媒体行业正在寻找RTMP的新用途,西格林在他的评论中说. "One of those is RTMP's ability to generate low-latency encodes that can now be scaled by solutions like Wowza's that the original RTMP streaming servers were incapable of performing."

The version of OBS that Wowza is offering can either generate a WebRTC stream or an RTMP stream, and Siglin noted in his review that WebRTC did offer a lower overall latency on the Help Me Stream Research test bench.

"Our cellular data playback test exhibited slightly lower latencies than the playback via a WiFi access point attached to a cable modem,西格林说. "But the difference appeared to be less than 250 ms between all the devices on each network, meaning overall latency from publish glass to playback glass fell between 400–650 ms when using the OBS WebRTC ingest."


The Need for Root-Cause Analysis, Error Correlation, and Multipoint Monitoring in Streaming Video

Anupama Anantharaman of Interra Systems discusses the reasons for the lack of adequate implementation of root-cause analysis, 这给QC和监控解决方案提供商带来了挑战, 多点监测如何应对这些挑战, and the consequences streaming providers face when they don't deliver high-quality content.

你可以赢得流媒体之战! 答案是交互性

Streaming services are in a fragile state with decreasing profitability and subscription numbers. Exclusive content and bundling with other services certainly help differentiate, but the key to winning the streaming wars is keeping viewers engaged through interactive features to avoid churn and to further maximize revenue. 要正确地做这件事, the technology employed must be in real-time and in sync so everyone can engage at the same time. 


Those of us in the industry sometimes lose sight of the fact that billions of people around the world have never used the internet, 更少使用Zoom或观看4K版的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》. Here's one way you can help streaming video reach those who don't have good connectivity.


Suffice it to say that Web­RTC is finally out of kindergarten and moving into the elementary grades. 到底是哪个等级? Well, that likely depends on which web browser you're using and which server technology or platform your Web­RTC implementation uses.


VideoRx CTO Robert Reinhardt discusses how using various server-side architectures with WebRTC is like to play out, 无论是公开课程, 商业/许可服务器, 或者云服务, 这段视频来自流媒体西部连接.


VideoRx CTO Robert Reinhardt discusses client-side architecture issues and pain points unique to WebRTC 这段视频来自流媒体西部连接.


VideoRx CTO Robert Reinhardt discusses WebRTC's emergence as a low-latency option for one-to-many streaming, and the challenges of scaling it in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 West Connect.
