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我知道感恩节是几周前的事了, 但随着这一年的结束, I want to say thank you to the three suppliers of codec-related usage data—Bitmovin, Encoding.com, and LiveU—and summarize the data they supplied us in 2019. This will put the stamp on what we know this year and set the stage for 2020. I'll discuss these in the order that they were published, starting with Encoding.com.


Encoding.com publishes its Global Media Format Report right around NAB, and you can download the it here. 报告反映了编码.com's production for its customers for the previous year, so the 2019 report is about 2018 encoding. Table 1 shows the OTT codec output (as opposed to intermediate format) in 2018 and 2017.



















Table 1. Encoding.2017年和2018年的OTT编解码器生产.

该报告为这些数字增添了有价值的见解. 关于H.264, 报告指出, "We believe its growth was bolstered in 2018 as many customers decided to adopt a dual manifest DASH/HLS fMP4 CMAF workflow before they explored any advanced codecs such as HEVC for OTT delivery."

关于HEVC, the report shared that "in 2018 we can report that HEVC has been promoted to many production workflows and we anticipate a very substantive increase in volume in 2019 driven by UHD HDR content as both premium HDR standards Dolby Vision and HDR+ map to the HEVC video format.“因此,4k到智能电视的前景是乐观的.

However, elsewhere, the report shares that only 3% of HLS production was HEVC and that "we have yet to see widespread adoption." Many commentators felt that Apple's support of HEVC in HLS would open the floodgates of HEVC adoption but that clearly hasn't been the case.

报道VP9,编码.网站表示,“2018年对VP9的兴趣保持稳定, 由一些HLG特定的HDR工作流程支持." Regarding AV1, under the headline "AV1 Remains a Hobby," Encoding.com stated that "AV1 remains towards the bottom of a long list of media processing priorities for the content owners we service.“毫不奇怪,AV1仍然没有被列为支持的 媒体格式 关于编码.com site.


9月出版,第三届 Bitmovin视频开发者报告 是基于调查的,不像编码.com report, doesn't reflect the production of Bitmovin's cloud encoding service. This year, 542 professionals from 108 countries completed the survey. Since several of the questions were multiple-choice some total percentages exceed 100%.

在调查对象中, 48%部署了本地硬件编码器, 55%是本地软件编码器, 37%是云中的软件编码器. 只有29%的人使用像encoding这样的云编码服务.com or Bitmovin, so it's not surprising that several answers were quite different from the Encoding.com的结果. 

对于2019年的调查, Bitmovin问, "Which video codecs are you currently using and planning to implement within the next 12 months? 黑色的数字 Figure 1 reflect current use while the red numbers reflect planned usage. 两个最大的惊喜是HEVC, 目前有43%的人使用编解码器进行编码, 32%的人计划在未来12个月里这样做, and AV1, where 7% were already encoding AV1 and an additional 20% were planning to. 这意味着到2020年,HEVC的使用率将达到75%,AV1的使用率将达到27%.

Bitmovin 2019

Figure 1. Bitmovin 2019年调查结果

Bitmovin didn't ask about planned usage in the 2018 report so we can't see if those projections came to fruition. If you compare Bitmovin's 2018 usage numbers in Figure 2 to the 2019 usage numbers in Figure 1, 在这两种情况下,HEVC和AV1的使用仅增加了1%. So the gains in HEVC and AV1 usage seem unlikely, though we'll see in September.

Bitmovin 2018报告

Figure 2. Bitmovin 2018年的业绩.


LiveU is a manufacturer of on or around-camera encoders and modems that enable remote video production from locations not supported via Wi-Fi or Ethernet. LiveU有超过3个,000 customers in 100+ countries and reports upon their buying habits and usage in December.

从其编解码器相关的发现 “2019年现场状况”报告 都显示在 Figure 3. As you can see, LiveU experienced a 65% growth in HEVC unit sales. 结果是, 50% of field units used to stream sports were HEVC-based and there was a 400% growth in HEVC-based sessions.

LiveU HEVC用法

Figure 3. HEVC在LiveU生态系统中的使用.

You can't generalize LiveU's HEVC usage to the general OTT distribution market, but it does highlight the fact that when a new technology presents a compelling technical advantage within a closed business model that simplifies deployment, 比如LiveU的点对点传输, 它可以非常成功.

2020年将会推出 三个基于mpeg的编解码器、VVC、EVC和LCEVC. While the first two will require hardware for widespread deployment, 将真正的影响推迟24个月, LCEVC is already being deployed in non-standard form as V-Nova PERSEUS. In 2020, we'll learn whether making that technology an MPEG standard will accelerate its deployment.

在AV1前面, we should see the first devices with hardware-based AV1 playback, and, perhaps the first public deployments of the Alliance for Open Media codec at scale. 在我们目前看到的部署中, 特别是来自YouTube, AV1's encoding efficiency hasn't been proven; it will be interesting to see if and when that changes and when AV1 starts to live up to the hype.



MPEG LA HEVC池的9个成员-包括ETRI, KBS, NTT, and NTT DOCOMO—have left and joined the HEVC Advance pool

Codec Complexity is a 'Nuclear Bomb,' Says Bitmovin Report

Video streamers want "broadcast-like" latency but device and codec complexity is holding back the entire industry, 找到公司的新报告. Among other findings: 20% of respondents don't use any video analytics.

NAB 2019:编码.谈论2019年全球媒体格式报告

流媒体的Jan Ozer和编码.com's Greg Heil discuss findings from the 2019 Global Media Format report, such as why better codecs don't always find wide adoption.
