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New at NAB 2023: Elevator Pitches

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Because NAB attendance requires endurance, I want to recognize several companies who had compelling products, stayed to the end, 并且能够在简短的5分钟内,对他们的新产品进行电梯推销.

BitRipple 讨论了他们的超低延迟数据传输软件解决方案,以超高速的方式应对无线网络环境的挑战. 它们在几十毫秒内传输大量数据,用于娱乐、远程协作和网络安全用例. 演示说明了一切:即使在会议互联网连接的世界里,它也是无缝的,没有明显的退化. 他们表示,去年他们是第一个在欧洲大陆通过5G进行30Mbps 8K HDR的互动直播. 从他们的网站上:“BitRipple解决方案的基础是一种数据传输的液体数据方法, based on the RaptorQ erasure code (specified in IETF RFC 6330). The essential idea is that, using RaptorQ, 发送方为要传递给接收方的每个数据块生成并发送液体数据包. 它们被称为液体包,因为就像液滴一样,它们是可以互换的.”

Tulix has a CDN that was designed specifically for live streaming (HLS and DASH). It offers both live streaming capability plus, most importantly, the analytics and intelligence broadcasters need to ensure their live streams. They take input from any protocol for live content. We hardly need to reiterate, live has no catch-up and, in the interest of uptime, data supports both any technical and business choice you’ll need to make. The company is known for their support. 他们将为编码器提供建议,并从上行链路位置运行广泛的测试,以确保一切稳定并准备就绪. 他们有一个10Gbps的服务器架构,并直接连接到美国东南部最大的互联网交换中心. 从他们的网站:“查看流期间和之后的详细统计数据,帮助您进行实时和事后调整. Know exactly who’s watching your stream, where, on what device, and for how long.” 

Broadpeak is known for their advanced high-bitrate stream capability used by operators. The new numbers they’re reaching: 725 Gbps per server streaming. 再加上可持续性方面的电力不足1瓦每千兆每秒. So, lots of data sent out at scale. From their website: “For more than a decade, we have been working with pay TV operators, broadband service providers, OTT streaming platforms, content providers and aggregators, of all sizes, 为他们的订户提供最好的视频体验.”

Accedo 将AR和VR用例扩展到直播和VOD内容的流媒体环境中. 在试图给客户留下深刻印象的永无止境的循环中,这将参与度提升到了另一个层次. Additional content can be incorporated into the streaming experience. Whether it’s viewing content on a second screen or projecting the tennis court, playing field, newsroom, or any other environment onto your coffee table, this is a very interesting way to immerse the viewer into programming. From their website: “Accedo… acquired the assets of eyecandylab, the Emmy-nominated provider of innovative extended reality (XR) solutions. eyecandylab的产品和解决方案帮助客户充分利用XR创新用例的潜力, regardless of platform or industry.”

Qvest 有一个名为Qibb的工作流编排产品,目前允许用户构建客户模板,将他们目前在媒体制作和交付的各个部分支持的50个应用程序中的任何一个的输出粘合在一起. They are hoping to double this number of applications by IBC. 我们都知道,从一种技术产品到另一种技术产品需要大量的体力劳动,而这款已有三年历史的产品为我们带来了效率, not literally in most cases). They have a drag-and-drop interface which looks very straightforward. 他们支持的一些用例来自他们的演示幻灯片:生成人工智能总结, asset deletion approval, asset ingest from S3, automated CMS publishing, scheduling streaming events, remote editing workstation login, generic approval workflow, accelerate file transfers, automated live recording, visualize cost and usage, placeholder ingest, news agency ingest and transcript. Now if Qibb could only walk the tradeshow floor, talking to vendors, take notes, and write this piece without me...

StreamGuys have a full range of services, but the one we're looking at is how to push content further to more locations. They 有一个非常明确的商业主张:他们将音频转换为视频或视频转换为音频. 在这两种情况下,这都是为了支持更广泛的内容分发,并保持广告标记完好无损. 第一个例子是将播客发送到Roku等视频平台. 它们将音频文件转换为流媒体平台所需的格式. The process is straightforward sounding. Audio file in, with image and out the other end it comes out as a video file. The second use case is for companies—news broadcasters, 例如,谁想把他们的视频分发到播客平台. Input video, output audio. It’s the ad marker support which makes this such an important tool. 他们转换和维护所需的广告标记(Id3和SCTE 35),以确保这些仍然保持在一个流中. 

Yospace 以动态AD插入而闻名-特别是管理的实时服务器端AD插入. They updated me about monetization of pop-up channels for their customers. 他们提供了一个基于云的SaaS工具,允许运营商实时监控流并注入广告标记. This means additional content around things like sporting events, can be built into a one-off branded digital experience. And there are no hard and fast rules on how long your pop-up channel can run. 从他们的网站:我们可以支持创建SSAI流从一个动态时间表的现场活动. 动态创建的流自动集成到Yospace服务监控NOC中,用于事件的生命周期. 

EZDRM has come out with protection for WebRTC streams. The low-latency streaming format previously had no protection from being waylaid. 快进到现在,他们加入了C2PA,并希望增加他们对围绕内容来源和真实性建立技术规范的支持,以确保在线上看到的内容不受篡改. C2PA确定了内容的监管链,以防止人工智能生成或操纵的深度伪造. 从他们的网站上:“EZDRM提供了一项正在申请专利的解决方案,将WebRTC低延迟视频传输与商业级DRM内容安全相结合. 充分利用DRM许可管理和健壮性规则将扩展WebRTC解决方案在电子竞技等新媒体应用中的部署, online gambling, auctions, and online meetings.”

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