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Over the last 20 years, 直播已经从几乎难以理解的魔术转变为依赖于一套众所周知的编解码器的可管理体验, encoders, ABR technologies, delivery pipelines, and players. 这使得直播制作人可以将他们的注意力从简单地让它工作转移到提供最佳的用户体验上, begging the question, "What exactly is the best user experience?来自Wowza Media Systems的一份名为"Create the Streaming Media Experience Users Want  focuses on just that for five live markets; user-generated content (UGC), online gaming, sports, news, and radio. Not surprisingly, latency is a critical factor, though as the report details, 所研究的市场中,延迟的重要性差别很大.

To produce the report, Wowza测量了5个市场中领先厂商的首帧时间(TTFF)和端到端延迟(E2E). 该报告提出并分析了每个市场的结果, 包括对每个项目成功的关键因素的研究.

一个关键的发现是,虽然越快越好, 服务应该针对其主要客户的使用方式进行调优. For example, in the UGC space, shown in the chart below, YouNow提供接近最低的端到端延迟, 对于对用户至关重要的交互性,哪些是必需的. On the other hand, Facebook Live, 哪个主要用于一对多广播, is comparably slow in E2E latency, but the fastest in time to first frame.


延迟结果(从上到下):Periscope, Live.me, YouNow, Live.ly, FlurryLive, Facebook Live, and Instagram.

In other markets, like news reporting, 报告讨论了视频质量和TTFF可能比端到端延迟更重要, except in financial applications, where E2E latency is critical. In this regard, 如果你是一个日内交易者或其他快速变化的投资者, 请注意,彭博的端到端延迟超过90秒, much longer than Reuters’s 16 and CNN’s 12.

该报告还揭示了端到端延迟对体育应用程序的重要性, 超过10-15秒的延迟会导致“剧透警报”吗,,观众在观看直播前先在Twitter上看到比分或进球. Interestingly, 报告指出,虽然广播往往有大约15秒的端到端延迟, Wowza测试的直播应用的端到端延迟从9秒到101秒.

As the focus of the report is live, it doesn't cover VOD OTT services, though the report’s author, Wowza的通信总监和流媒体行业布道者克里斯·迈克尔斯, 是否声明“我们确实打算重新进行这项研究,重点是测试更多基于订阅的实时服务?."

As most streaming producers recognize, achieving optimal performance in one metric often degrades performance in another; it’s nearly impossible to offer the highest quality, fastest TTFF, and lowest E2E latency.  在各种市场中对这种权衡的讨论使报告成为每个领域的任何供应商的必读报告. At a higher level, 个别市场研究为了解其他市场中TTFF和端到端延迟的重要性提供了有价值的视角.

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