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Alex Peterson探讨了HESP集成如何帮助G-Core实验室确保电子竞技和游戏的高视频流传输速率, 电子学习和远程医疗的高效可扩展性以及在线流的高质量和最小延迟, media and TV broadcasters.

HESP (High Efficiency Stream Protocol)是一种全新的自适应视频流协议. 它允许在不影响视频质量和广播稳定性的情况下,以长达2秒的延迟交付内容. Unlike comparable solutions, this protocol requires less bandwidth for streaming, 哪种方式可以让企业在向大量受众提供内容的过程中节省大量资金.

由于HESP是基于HTTP协议的,因此适合在cdn上进行视频传输. G-Core Labs是世界上最早在其CDN中嵌入该协议的公司之一. With 120 points of presence across 5 continents and over 6,000 peer-to-peer partners, 这使得服务提供商可以向数百万观众提供视频, to any devices, anywhere in the world without compromising even 8K video quality. And all this comes at a minimum streaming cost.

让我们来解释一下新协议将如何改变数字市场的力量平衡,其中关键的成功因素是媒体内容交付:在电子竞技和游戏中, OTT and TV broadcasting, e-learning and telemedicine and online casinos.

4 key differences between HESP and other protocols

目前流媒体中使用的基本协议有HLS、MPEG-DASH、RTMP和WebRTC. Unlike HESP, they have some serious flaws:

  • WebRTC and RTMP 提供低延迟,但由于可扩展性较弱,企业在面向广泛受众的流媒体中成本很高.
  • HLS and MPEG-DASH 允许您以低成本高效地流内容给大量用户, but involve latencies of up 4 to 30 and more seconds, which is critical for interactive events and real-time communications.


  • It allows delivering videos with latencies of 0.4 to 2 seconds;
  • It requires less bandwidth for streaming;
  • It can be delivered over CDN to millions of viewers, to any devices, anywhere in the world without compromising even 8K video quality;
  • 与替代的WebRTC相比,它保证了最小的流媒体成本.

因此,具有HESP的CDN最大限度地减少了流延迟并优化了流成本. This is particularly important for certain types of online businesses.

1. E-sports and gaming: speed and scalability

In late May this year, Free Fire World Series 2021 set a new world record as the number of viewers on one stream totaled 5.4 million people. 积极的用户体验对于留住这么多观众至关重要,因为无论游戏多么令人兴奋, 如果遇到延迟问题,用户将迁移到不同的内容提供商. This is why HESP stands out, 与HLS和MPEG-DASH相比,它可以确保更快地将视频交付给最终用户.

由G-Core实验室提供的集成HESP的内容交付网络可以轻松地流媒体到世界各地的数千和数百万观众,延迟时间为2秒, which is faster than other protocols can offer. The CDN high performance comes with Intel technologies, as in April 2021, 该提供商是世界上最早开始将第三代英特尔至强可扩展(Ice Lake)集成到其服务的服务器基础设施中的公司之一.

2. E-learning and telemedicine: cost effectiveness

医疗技术和电子学习项目通常使用昂贵的第三方解决方案来组织学生和患者的流. HESP makes it easier to do so: with CDN and the cross-platform HTML5 player by G-Core Labs, 组织可以轻松地构建自己的解决方案,以最小的延迟来托管在线课程和视频咨询. Thanks to the CDN integration with HESP, the streaming quality remains high, 与其他协议相比,流媒体成本降低了2到5倍.

3. Sports and media: low bandwidth requirements

你知道一个作曲家的故事吗?他在伦敦开了一场音乐会,在乘坐高速喷气式飞机飞越英吉利海峡后,设法降落并欣赏他的现场表演? Now that’s a tale to tell for sure!

有了HESP,流媒体体育赛事将尽可能地接近实时. 也就是说,视频在互联网上的传输速度将比在电视上更快. For all of its other special aspects, this protocol requires 10% to 20% less bandwidth than alternative solutions, such as LL-HLS, Chunked CMAF, and WebRTC.

4. Auction and online casinos: adaptive bitrate

HESP not only allows videos to be delivered fast and cost effectively, 而且还能以高质量传输它们,让观众更近距离地观察屏幕上的所有东西. 这对在线赌场和博彩业务尤其重要, where such features can become a competitive strength.

由于新协议与自适应比特率技术的兼容性, 流在任何设备上都没有缓冲,无论用户的互联网连接质量如何.

5. OTT and TV broadcasting: minimum latencies and streaming cost cuts

Overly long zapping time is annoying for viewers who want to switch between channels. With HESP, 这个数字比行业标准的低延迟流媒体方法平均快20倍. 击穿时间小于100毫秒,可以立即切换频道.

HESP结合IPTV和OTT解决方案,创建功能齐全的高质量流媒体. With this protocol, 出版商可以以最低的延迟,以低成本高效地将内容流传输给数百万的受众.

How to migrate to HESP

G-Core Labs CDN with HESP allows you to use a new, fast, 在所有距离上传输8K视频的可扩展且经济高效的方法. It has excellent coverage and connectivity, as it includes 120 points of presence across 5 continents and over 6,000 peer-to-peer partners.

In order to stream with HESP, 您必须设置CDN并在标准创建过程中实现另外两个元素, processing and delivering content:

  • Special HESP Packager for coding video before its transmission. It is available from HESP Alliance partners.
  • Player that supports HESP.

如果你已经使用了G-Core实验室的解决方案,并且想要使用HESP进行流传输, please contact the company’s support. That way, 您将为您的用户提供最好的流媒体质量,无论他们在世界的哪个地方.


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