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The Case for 直播监控

Learn more about streaming quality monitoring at 流媒体's next event.

Watch the complete presentation from 流媒体 West, DT102a. Monitoring Live OTT Services is Critical for Service Assurance,在… 流媒体 Conference Video Portal.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

Anupama Anantharam: 为什么显示器? Firstly, we all k现在 that OTT is well on its way to become the dominant delivery platform. Most of us are already subscribe to some streaming media services, 不仅如此, 现在, the demand for live events is also increasing. People are spending lot more time and a lot more money on watching live events. 就在今年, we've heard so many big media companies announce their streaming packages, 所以基本上, there is a boost in the demand for live-streaming.

And along with all these needs of the customers, one of the main requirements for them is that the quality of the content should be very good. They are used to broadcast TV-quality video, and they expect the same thing in the streamed content, 也. There is pretty much consensus in the industry. There is so much retail research that's been done 现在 that basically says that yes, interesting content is very important, but even more important than that is the quality of the content.

So no matter how good the program that you're watching is, if the video does not look good, if the picture quality's not very good, if there are audio/video sync problems, 例如, audio lags a video or visa versa, or the closed captions that accompany the video is not properly aligned with the speech, all these make for a very bad user experience, and the people are going to be put off. Your content is not going to be watched as much.

So the video quality of your content is extremely important. And that's why the media companies that are 现在 beginning to offer streamed services are wanting to make sure that they offer a really good quality of service experience to their customers.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Survey Says: Video QC and Monitoring Are Essential for Streaming Quality, 体验质量, 和客户保留率

Interra系统 and streaming media industry expert Dan Rayburn conducted a survey in 2022 to better understand the steps media companies are taking to quality control (QC) and monitor their content. The survey collected data from media industry decision makers. This white paper digs into the 155 participants' responses and explores key findings, including why companies are implementing QC and monitoring, the extent to which they're doing so, and the key challenges they're facing.

Best Practices for 直播监控

Interra系统 VP Product Management Anupama Anantharaman offers essential recommendations for effective streaming quality and performance monitoring in this clip from her presentation at 流媒体 West 2019.

Video: The 8 Key Elements of 直播监控

Tektronix Application Engineer Andrew Scott discusses automated live stream monitoring tools for delivery engineering and operations in this clip from 流媒体 West 2019.

Video: Key Elements of 直播监控

Tektronix Video Product Manager Dan Murray identifies the eight essential elements of live stream monitoring in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 East.

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