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了解有关REMI和云生产的更多信息,请参见 流媒体西部2022.

科里本克先生: Can you discuss a success story you recently had for your company or client that utilized a remote hybrid workflow?

本·拉特纳: So, I don't know if any of you had to deal with this COVID thing, but it caused a couple issues. 我们不能在纽约都用CNN广播. So, 在我去CNN之前, my boss built this great workflow with physical computers at people's houses, 这样他们就不用去办公室了. 然后在过去的六个月里, 飓风袭击了纽约,暴风雪袭击了纽约, which knocked out our main system and then our redundant system in two different parts of the state. 所以我们必须采用这些系统, 已经很遥远了, 但不是云, 我们必须迅速将它们转移到云端. A, so we could just get them up and running without having to acquire new computers or anything; and B, because it was very hard to get new computers because there's also a chip shortage. So we were able to very quickly shift our production from remote on-prem to cloud off-prem very quickly. 这些节目从来没有错过一个节拍.

乔恩·Finegold: So, 有很多有趣的故事, but thinking back to the early days of the pandemic one of the stories that I think we're most proud of at Signiant when live sports started to come back there was a tremendous amount of uncertainty and just no one knowing how many people could be on site, 规则不断变化,在不同的地方也不同. And of course, when someone would get sick and you'd have to switch people up. 所以我们组建了一个团队,由各种媒体技术合作伙伴组成. Of course, signant的作用是帮助以前基于文件的内容, during, 在把东西从场地和卡车里搬来搬去之后. And how are they gonna recreate this normal environment with producers shouting and figuring out what's going on when and what what's going on here, 这个高亮片段和所有这些东西在哪里?

所以我们决定使用Slack作为锚定工具. It's obviously a tool everyone's familiar with for real-time communication and that enabled people to stay in communication. But what we all did as media tech suppliers was integrated our stuff with slack. So not only could you communicate, but you could see exactly what was happening. So we had companies like Telestream and EVS and few different graphics companies and of course Signiant moving the files. And so all the editors and the producers involved could see exactly what was going on as the file was being transferred exactly when it was gonna land--"Okay, 飞机将在18秒后着陆. It's gonna be in this location, here's the name, boom, ready to go, bring it on air."

So it was kind of a cool integration that came together in less than 24 hours where everyone was kind of hacking, using modern APIs to bring all these disparate tools together and use Slack as the anchor point. But I think it was kind of foreshadowing in terms of where some of these integrations are headed. But it really enabled this team to have people wherever they were using the tools that they're familiar with and have all the 信息 that they needed at their fingertips.

Mike Savello: 所以,很明显,我们自己不做制作. 我们是制造商,但是但是我们有个客户叫现场体育有限责任公司. 他们经常参加网球比赛, so they're associated with the ATP and all the other professional tennis tours and they do more than 40 events a year at any given time. 这些事件持续7到10天. And at any given time they can have two or three events going on simultaneously. There's actually one weekend when they have six of them happening at the same time. And the only way that they would be able to do this would be to actually put their production in the cloud because they need so many virtualized resources, or so many resources in general for the production that they just can't do it in a physical location.

So so they actually built their own VPC on AWS using Amazon's cloud services. 他们用的是Vizrt vector. And they're using LiveU's Cloud Connect to get the content into the cloud and to connect to the Viz Vectar solution, 即云中的Vectar Plus. They're using something called the Harrison mix bus for their audio engineering audio mixing in the cloud as well, 我不熟悉的, 但据我所知,这是一个很酷的工具. 所以他们的绘图人员, 他们的交换对象, and their audio engineer all happen to be in three different locations on every event. 老实说,每次活动他们都可以雇一个. 所以它们遍布全国.

And then they're also actually at each tennis tournament; they set up PTZ cameras so they don't even have camera operators on site. And they're controlling all of these remotely through our LiveU technology as well, because we have an IP back channel to our units that allows you to connect PTZ devices to them as well and have full remote. 所以他们所有的摄像师也分布在全国各地. 所以这是一个完全虚拟化的环境, which I think is sort of the farthest limits of what you can do with with REMI in a hybrid workflow today.


位置,位置,位置:云vs. On-Prem vs. 混合流工作流

所有流媒体都在向云端移动,对吧? Not so fast. Where you keep your content and do your work depends on your own particular circumstances. on-prem绝对不会消亡.

LiveU的Mike Savello报道 Talks Going Mobile with Hybrid, REMI, and Cloud Workflows

LiveU VP of Sales discusses how LiveU is enabling the evolving trend toward multicam mobile, REMI, and cloud production using bonding-based workflows in this interview with 流媒体's Tim Siglin at 流媒体 East 2022.


CNN新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveX的科里·本克, LiveU的Mike Savello报道, and Signiant's John Finegold discuss the benefits of shifting to remote and cloud video workflows from traditional on-prem production, discussing what they did and why it worked in this clip from 流媒体 East 2022.
