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What are the best workflows to develop in order to deliver reliable live streams at scale? 首席执行官亚当·米勒 游牧的技术杜比云媒体解决方案首席技术专家David Hassoun 杜比.io彼得·沃顿,首席战略官 & 云长, TAG视频系统老科里·史密斯(Corey Smith). 先进生产技术总监 CBS体育数字频道, 派拉蒙 discuss how their organizations work to provide seamless live scaled streaming in this panel from 流媒体 West 2022.

“实时事件流可能会在任何地方中断,主持人说。, Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, 椅子, 流媒体会议和CMO, id3as. 他请游牧的技术的亚当•米勒(Adam Miller)开始讨论. “What do you see as the key touch points to focus on when building a workflow for reliability?”

Miller emphasizes that there are countless possible failure touch points with live streaming at scale. He says that at Nomad they try to break these possibilities down in an organized chart that narrows the categories to focus on into three parts. “让这种冗余变得更好的成本是多少?他说. “让它变得更好的努力程度是多少? 你的预算、时间和精力都放在哪里了? 当你这样做的时候, 你会在这100个破损点中找到它, 大概有6个是最突出的. And that's going to be where you can put your energy to help increase the reliability rather than someone saying, ‘嘿, 我需要多个编码器.“那么,把精力放在最重要的地方. 这就是我们开始研究冗余时通常做的事情.”

Peter Wharton of 标签和 notes that most people outside of the industry have little idea of the vast complexity of these live streaming systems. “你需要监控整个过程, especially if you're doing ad hoc building of systems or you're setting up a live system on demand,他说. “因为那时你有了所有这些活动部件,而现在, 你只是在瞬间建立一些东西. 所以你必须确保所有的活动部件都在工作. 这不是你运行了几个月的东西,你知道它是如何工作的. But at the same time, every point in that workflow has a different value in the workflow.”

沃顿说,这是一个调整轻重缓急的问题. “当你沿着食物链走下去, every touch point which is going to impact the viewer is impacting fewer and fewer viewers,他说. “So, 因此, you have to also make sure that you are monitoring in a way that you're actually adjusting the cost of your monitoring to the value of the content at each point of the workflow. And that's a challenge to get all that right but still make sure it works everywhere. Because you can't spend the same amount of money for some edge of a CDN that affects one region that you do at the core.”

杜比的大卫·哈桑.IO强调了系统验证测试的关键需求. “每一个关键的断点, 你真的需要能够敲击它, 你会对它如何断裂有一些假设, 这些是你们至少可以测试的,他说. “But also try to look beyond what you didn't expect and understand what your different failure scenarios are, 你将如何转变, 确保它是光滑的. 这件事需要认真解决. It becomes muscle memory into all the teams that this is going to affect and what's going to happen in those situations.”

Miller mentions what he calls the “golden rule” of leaving what is working alone and not over-tinkering. “当接近部署时间时,不要碰任何东西!他说. “People forget that, and they think, “Oh, let's just change out this encoder at the last minute.“如果你想可靠地分发一些东西,那就尽量少碰. 如果你要做十次,不要碰它. 建造一次,然后把它留下,再重复使用十次. I find that a lot of people forget that golden rule of ‘Don't be changing things two minutes before.’”

Corey Smith of CBS Sports and 派拉蒙 stresses that “There’s a real art to figuring out both the telemetry coming in from the outside, (以及)顾客如何体验活动.” He points out that CDNs are not always the most accommodating when stress-testing all possible failure points.

“当我在 Xbox,他说, “我们做了很多事情来扩大大型客户活动, whether it's the E3 Keynote or other Mars Moon Lander or whatever that happened to be on the console that particular day. 但我们对测试失败感到非常自豪. 但是当你去 Akamai 或者是a 聚光灯下 或者其他CDN提供商,然后说,‘嘿,我要对我的网络进行压力测试. Can you help support two and a half to three terabytes per second of traffic because I want to scale to two and a half million concurrence? 你如何告诉CDN提供商你想测试到哪里? They're going to laugh you out the door and say we can't absorb that on our network. 但其中很大一部分是了解你的流量流向, 对多个CDN不可知或对单个CDN提供商不可知, but also getting feedback and telemetry from your clients so now you can make actual intelligent traffic decisions in near real time to what your customers are actually seeing. 所以如果你的比特率是10mb以上, 所以你在做高质量的1080p Plus视频, 你并不完全拥有你实际部署的所有边缘生态系统. 可以说,你只是拥有视频播放器技术. 你想要得到反馈,这样你就可以说, ‘嘿, this city and provider in this particular part of the world is not doing so well and this is the CDN provider we need to start shedding traffic to. You have to build those kind of telemetry systems into the actual base of the application because you can't just flip it off and flip it back on during a live event. You have to be able to ebb and flow your traffic across the global internet and be able to do it seamlessly.”

了解更多关于大规模直播的信息 流媒体东部2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


How do you maintain five-nines uptime for tentpole event streams reaching hundreds of thousands or millions of users? CBS体育数字频道的科里·史密斯报道, 斗牛犬DM的John Petrocelli, and EdgeNext's Joshua Johnson offer tips and best practices for successfully scaling up your streams in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


How can live video help advertisers meet the challenges of a media consumption ecosystem perpetually in flux, 比如剪线, 品牌安全, 进行, 和更多的? 斗牛犬记者约翰·彼得罗切利报道, 谁与行业中许多最大的品牌合作, and CBS体育数字频道的科里·史密斯报道 discuss how to make streams work for brands so the streams thrive and the brands and viewers keep coming back in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


大规模实时流的端到端工作流是复杂的事情, 在交付中断的每个阶段都有故障排除挑战. 派拉蒙的专家小组, Amagi, 标签和, and 游牧的技术 discusses key best practices for troubleshooting large-scale streams when the pressure is on.


How do you meet the challenges of monitoring stream performance and quality for dozens or thousands of live streams at once? 派拉蒙专家, 杜比, TAG视频系统, and 游牧的技术 discuss multistream monitoring tech and strategies in this panel from 流媒体 West 2022.

延迟和. 大规模直播的质量

为了超低延迟,流媒体的可靠性和质量值得付出多少代价, 什么时候一个比其他的溢价? Amagi的Brian Ring, 杜比,大卫·哈桑报道, 游牧的技术的亚当·米勒说, 派拉蒙的科里·史密斯, and Norsk CMO Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen discuss in this panel from 流媒体 West 2022.


本地化实时事件流的最动态的方法是什么? Dan Turow of Evertz and Marisa Elizondo of fuboTV talk about the ways their organizations are working to best integrate local and user-preference-based content and experiences into live event streams.
