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2011年年初,美国政府宣布.S. 会听到2010年官方人口普查的结果吗. It will be an awakening for some state leaders to learn that their state’s population is declining as the country’s population moves away in search of work, 较低的生活成本, 诸如此类.

处于元数据状态, 然而, 不用担心人口减少和灯火熄灭. If anything, 2011 should see a spike in interest for this somewhat geeky state of mind.


元数据的数量正在增长, 但它也经历了“重新划分选区”,来继续人口普查的比喻. 想想2010年发生的收购. 

KIT数码公司., which purchased several companies in 2009 and then closed a $15 million equity offering in early March, 以大约1800万美元的价格收购了多播媒体技术公司. 

这笔交易, 其中近三分之一是现金, was billed by KIT as a way to shore up its video management solutions in the U.S. 

“KIT digital has achieved the leading market share position for enterprise-class IP video management on a global basis,该公司的首席执行官说, 卡莱伊·伊萨·图兹曼, 这句话是在收购时说的, adding that “the acquisition of Multicast now makes us the clear number one provider in North America, 并加强我们在全球舞台上的主导地位.”

The merger made more than geographic sense: Multicast had been growing its cloud transcoding platform, winning the 2009 流媒体 Readers’ Choice Award in the Transcoding SaaS (software as a service) 类别. It had also been growing its metadata and tagging capabilities alongside the transcoding platform. 

多播的首席执行官, 卢施瓦兹, 他在2009年在线视频平台峰会的一个小组会议上发表了讲话, talking in detail about how the company’s metadata and tagging capabilities for videos delivered through its system helped raise the bar on making video more discoverable through video search engine optimization (SEO) driven by the use of metadata.

另一个收购, 年底的时候, saw two metadata firms come together from seemingly opposite ends of the metadata spectrum. Digitalsmiths宣布收购Gotuit Media Corp .. 马萨诸塞州沃本市的. 

Both companies were finalists for the 2010 流媒体 Readers’ Choice Award in the metadata 类别. 但Gotuit专注于新闻和体育, 具有实时元数据摄取和标记的能力, 而Digitalsmiths则专注于高端, 电影和电视剧的优质内容.

这次收购的匹配点在哪里? It comes from the fact that media conglomerates tend to own all the pieces of a media puzzle that both companies had partial solutions to: From sports teams to live 新闻 to TV shows and movies, today’s media conglomerate wants to monetize all its content across all its channels.

不幸的是, as we explored in a September 2010 article about online video through broadcasters’ eyes, 一直以来的趋势是将所有内容都保存在筒仓中. 随着元数据插入的出现, 在更大程度上, 媒体搜索引擎, 现在有一个 

need for solutions that will couple old, tried-and-true broadcasting solutions with new media.

Reaction to the two acquisitions fueled conjecture that 2010 may be the watershed year for metadata’s rise. 我认为, 虽然, that we’re seeing just a small glimpse of how the state of metadata will swell in popularity.

思想公平运动, Gotuit在运动场上的竞争对手, announced a late-2010 initiative that had teamed the company up with the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) to integrate play-by-play metadata into the regular season men’s basketball games from all 12 ACC member colleges and universities.

而不是从2011年开始, 然而, ACC金库, 如其名, goes back into the video archives and creates play-by-play for games dating from 1983.

“随着ACC金库的推出, 我们正在利用丰富的元数据和交付工具来推动新的赞助商价值,凯文·沙夫说, 思想公平运动的首席执行官. “This extends the ‘life’ of the men’s basketball season to connect to fan interest year-round, 包括自1983年以来每年的ACC锦标赛.”

Schaff had reiterated the silo concept in earlier email exchanges I had with him, 注意元数据打破竖井的能力.

“对于思想公平运动来说,元数据不是一个孤岛,”他说. ”,而, 它是集成存储的基础, 访问, 交付, and monetization offering that’s added millions of dollars of value to our customers’ content.”

强大的单词, 但该公司有经验, having been at it since 2003 and boasting 10 million hours of content rights, 个人资产100多万, 最多7人,每天有000个离散文件转码交付, and more than 200 million individual metadata entries across “multiple tracks of sports, 新闻, 娱乐, 还有素材资产.”

比如多播媒体, the Thought Equity model applies “smart content” metadata to customer libraries as part of a larger video ecosystem. This brings the state of metadata story to a defining question: Can metadata companies stand on their own? 答案并不容易, but there seem to be a few companies that have been able to stand the test of time. 

一个是Pictron, a small Silicon Valley-based company that has been around since the late 1990s, 服务消息, 政府, and civic organizations with a live encoding and metadata synchronization platform called Media Gateway.

多年来, Pictron已经建立了一个令人印象深刻的客户名单, 其中许多公司仍然拥有大量基于磁带的资产. As a result of the growing need for digitized storage of these older videotapes, 并通过与Omneon等公司的合作, Pictron已经将自己的产品扩展到磁带存储资产管理领域. 

Pictron’s Network Tape Gateway leverages the Quantum 600A or SuperLoader 3A tape drive for mass-storage capacity, yet it also integrates support for bar-code scanning of the tapes necessary to duplicate these newer tape-based storage libraries. 该公司选择了磁带备份,因为文件夹, 文件, and organization hierarchy inside the tape are preserved after automated metadata capture, 允许用户输入额外的元数据,如标题, 主题, 描述, 类别, 以及每个视频文件的关键词, regardless of whether the video file was captured and indexed on the Pictron Media Gateway.

对于独立的元数据公司, the fear factor always looms large when a partner is acquired: Omneon was acquired by Harmonic in 2010, 2.74亿美元, and the future of the partnership between Omneon’s new parent company and Pictron is uncertain.

那么我们对2011年的元数据状态有什么期待呢? 我认为有四个关键趋势值得关注.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Fine-grained metadata is the key to turning an existing library into interactive new products and features.
