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All we knew going into this, the inaugural Streaming Media Readers’ Choice Awards, was that we had no idea what we were getting into. Maybe that’s not entirely true, 但是,两周的提名期和三周的投票过程带来了比我们在座的任何人都预料到的更多的惊喜. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, 我们确定了16个类别,我们认为这些类别涵盖了整个行业的产品和服务. 但我们严重低估了其中一些类别的流动性(快速:用十个词或更少的词定义“IPTV”), 简单地说“互联网协议电视”是不够的),也不知道这些产品有多么多的用途. 对于为什么某一特定产品属于某一特定类别的几乎所有争论, there was a counterargument that it belonged elsewhere, 或者至少,任何单一的类别都不足以定义产品的所有功能.

But even if it was under protest, 92家公司提交了近120种产品或服务(或由客户或业内人士提名). 一些公司对客户进行公开的拉票活动, or so we heard through the grapevine. That seemed eminently fair to us, 最终可能会帮助一些小公司与知名度更高的供应商竞争. 当一切尘埃落定,超过3000名读者 Streaming Media magazine and StreamingMedia.com网站记录了他们的选票——在我们的IT部门删除了名单并删除了一些明显的选票箱填塞物(你知道你是谁)之后,这个数字就出来了。.

以下是每个类别的优胜者、第一名和第二名. It’s a list full of names both familiar and new, 虽然我们可能会对任何特定的第一名的意义吹毛求疵, 有一点是毋庸置疑的:这个行业更加健康了, more dynamic, and more vital than it’s ever been. And with that, everyone wins.

Collaboration/Conference Solution
First runner-up: Tandberg
Second runner-up: VectorMAX MeetingAnywhere
尽管谷歌/YouTube的交易占据了所有的头条新闻(我们甚至不需要写下金额), do we?), Cisco’s $3.9 billion acquisition of WebEx was the biggest M&这是过去几年的一个新闻,WebEx在这里的排名第一是对原因的完美总结. WebEx’s own commitment to video has been minimal; as Streaming Media 专栏作家和行业分析师Steve Vonder Haar在他6 / 7月的企业专栏中写道, “从来没有人觉得WebEx真正致力于推广和公开鼓励视频功能的整合,“尽管近年来增加了一些网络摄像头功能. 但WebEx在商业协作解决方案方面无疑是市场的领导者, 以至于商人们谈论“WebEx会议”的方式和他们谈论电话会议的方式一样. 现在,WebEx已经与思科合作——思科在2005年还收购了《百家乐app下载》杂志——视频将成为WebEx的核心使命,这是不成文的征兆.

Figure 2

Content Management Platform
VeriSign Intelligent Content Delivery Network
First runner-up: Multicast Media Technologies Vidego
Second runner-up: Accordent Media Management System
VeriSign benefits from the same sort of name recognition as does WebEx; even if you know nothing about their actual content management offerings, 当你在网上购物时,你已经看到了这个名字和熟悉的“由威瑞信提供动力”的标志. 但该公司已经改变并扩大了其重点,不再关注网络交易安全, 将其支付网关出售给eBay,并收购Kontiki及其点对点交付管理系统. 通过将Kontiki的技术与自己的骨干和客户群相结合, VeriSign已经能够达到比它或Kontiki单独实现的更高的意识水平. As a result, 2007年,威瑞信宣布了其智能内容交付网络的几个主要部署, 比如与英国第四频道的协议,以及他们支持BBC的iPlayer.

Figure 3

Copy Protection/DRM Solution
BUYDRM KeyOS Pay Media Platform
First runner-up: Entriq MediaSphere
Second runner-up: Widevine Cypher for the PC
Bold and outspoken, BUYDRM创始人Christopher Levy是数字媒体会议的常客,也是流媒体行业的核心支持者,他在流媒体上发表演讲,并为StreamingMedia撰写文章.com. 自2001年创建以来,BUYDRM一直走在数字版权管理的最前沿, 它的KEYOS付费媒体平台是业内最常用的平台之一. 该平台为用户提供了极大的灵活性,让他们可以选择如何部署盈利和广告支持的drm商业模式. (But Levy doesn't rule out the promise of other DRM technologies; see his "DRM Demystified," pp. 48-56.列维过去和现在的客户名单中都有证据:微软, NBC, Intel, Network Live, NFL Films, Anheuser-Busch, Interscope Records, . . . stop us when we get to one you've heard of.

Entriq made a strong showing as first runner-up, 尽管事实上,该公司似乎处于过渡状态, 而第二名Widevine Cypher则因年中宣布现在能够保护Flash视频而获得了提升.

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The 2016 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Winners

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