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IBC 2010:回顾


[编者注:本文分两部分介绍IBC 2010. 蒂姆Siglin highlights some of the products and demos that are of most interest to our readers, while 乔尔Unickow takes a more personal survey of the event.)

2010年IBC秀落下帷幕, 于9月9日至14日在阿姆斯特丹举行, but the buzz about a number of new and noteworthy solutions presented at the show continues to linger.

正如节目前提到的 article在美国,3D技术不仅在电视上引起了轰动,而且在当时也是如此. As stereoscopic 3D (S3D) is beginning to grow toward maturity, the discussion of whether or not to stream live S3D on the web was partially answered by a technology demonstration.

A live S3D 4Mbps HD stream was encoded at a German television studio and then transmitted to the show floor at 基本技术13号馆展位. The technology demonstration, accomplished in a partnership between Elemental, 3级, 微软, and TVN Group, demonstrated the feasibility of S3D as an online broadcast medium.

微软 showed off a number of products in the Topaz Lounge, 包括一台Windows 7手机 大巴克兔 via SmoothStreaming and an iPhone receiving streams from a demonstration version of 微软's IIS Media Services 4, 我们希望在相当短的时间内复习一下.

在可移植编码空间中, two companies had product showcases of interest: Viewcast and miniCASTER.

Viewcast展示了它即将发布的产品 尼亚加拉4100 GoSurf的后继产品HD-SDI. 预计售价为9美元,995, the portable product is expected to include the ability to encode and stream MPEG-4, H.264 for Flash and Silverlight as well as Apple's HTTP Live, although it's uncertain if the latter will be adaptive bitrate (ABR) or just a single stream.  

One of the benefits of the 尼亚加拉4100 is its ability to ingest either standard-definition (SD) or HD video sources through its SDI input, as well as the ability to upscale standard-definition video to HD, so that a change in input signal does not cause an encoding session to grind to a halt. Audio input also comes in four options: audio embedded into SDI, AES/EBU通过一个迷你AES 3针连接器, 以及平衡或不平衡立体声音频输入.

The device has the option to be run on an Anton-Bauer battery pack, and one of the two on-board USB ports can also power a few of the low-power 无线网络 wireless access points on the market, 使解决方案真正可移植, as long as profiles have been properly set prior to going into the field.

On the other end of the spectrum is the almost petite miniCASTER, which generated a significant amount of buzz at the show, given both its small size and the placement of the stand at the entrance to Hall 1.

While the product was shown as a "sneak peek" at 流媒体 East 2010 in New York, the IBC presence was the premiere of the product to the larger broadcast world.

miniCASTER is a mobile encoding device that packs a significant number of options into the size of a unit not much larger than the first-generation iPod. 使用3 g, 无线网络, 或以太网连接, the miniCASTER is designed to work in tandem with a service offered by the TV1.EU 内容分发网络.

TV1.EU's Livestreaming platform is a service of what its founders bill as the first independent CDN in Germany called TV1.EU.

"Using our own CDN is the big difference to our competitors," said Michael Westphal, CEO of TV1.EU.

While the device is showcased with 750Kbps at 1280x720 (an HD pixel size) the company says the product is for high-quality SD delivery. 

The concept of tying an encoder to a particular service provider is not new, as Visionary Solutions has been doing the same thing with Powerstream in the U.S. for the last few years; but the diminutive nature of the miniCASTER, coupled with an account on TV1.EU, allows for a time from setup to encode to be measured in single-digit seconds.

TiVo also showcased its integration of YouTube into the familiar TiVo user interface, 在大仓酒店的套房里, 从RAI会议中心步行几分钟.

Unlike the widget concept employed by most Internet-enable TVs, TiVo has chosen to allow direct access to YouTube via the company's familiar peanut-shaped remote control. A new version of the remote control also has a sliding interface that reveals a QWERTY keyboard.

"While we have a retail presence in the United States,一位公司发言人说, "our international focus is to work with service providers to place the TiVo software on their set-top box of choice. 我们在台湾有授权商, 墨西哥, 澳大利亚, 新西兰和西班牙, plus we've just announced a UK presence powering a Virgin offering."

Next year's IBC will take place at the RAI Congress Centre from September 9-13, 2011.


点击 在这里 了解乔尔Unickow对IBC 2010的看法,点击 在这里 for Dom Robinson's look at IBC from the perspective of a first-timer.

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